From Simulations to Hybrid Space

de Souza e Silva, A. (2004). From Simulations to Hybrid Space: How nomadic technologies change the real. Technoetic Arts: An international journal of speculative research, 1 (3), 209-221.
Abstract: This paper states that the concept of real is modified by the emergence of nomadic technology devices, which are responsible for creating a hybrid reality that merges physical and digital spaces. The concept of virtual space is analysed from the perspective of arts and science fiction. The first section shows how the concept of virtual space as a mindspace has been developed. The idea of cyberspace as a place for the mind emphasizes the traditional Cartesian doubt, that is, does the mental image correspond to the real? In the second section, the paper argues that the concept of virtual changes, since it can no longer be considered a disjoint from physical space; rather, it belongs to it. Finally, the movies The Thirteenth Floor (Rusnak 1999) and The Matrix (Wachowski and Wachowski 1999) are case studies that illustrate how the idea of inhabiting a virtual space has changed from the traditional notion of virtual space as a place for the mind to a hybrid space that is part of our lives. As a result, it amplifies the notion of what the real can be.