…and I visit you there…

…and I visit you there… (2002) is a story told by many cultures, in many languages. People from different places were asked to talk about a hypothetical travel in their home countries, in their native languages. Although there are several narrators, the journey is only one, and it is developed by connecting places through sentences. English is used, in this context, not to connect languages, but to serve as a common denominator that makes communication possible. On the other hand, communication is not only about understanding words: it is based on emotional responses, cadence, and intonation. A speech that travels and transforms itself while going from place to place, without a specific direction, represents the essence of traveling. The traveler is the one that goes without a map, not knowing when they will return, or even if they will return at all. The traveler contacts cultures, but not connect them, because cultures cannot be connected. Nevertheless, traveling around the globe has always been the most important way of bringing cultural awareness.

Full Video Presented at CRCA Time Forms Event Marathon (Documentation)